Kids Mountain Bike Lessons

Mountain bike lessons over the school holidays, weekends and more!


What’s On!

  • May Sunday Shred Squad!

  • June "The Rideo MTB Send Off”!



  1. You must check Steps 1-3 at the bottom of the page before booking to ensure the correct lesson or program is selected.

  2. First time!? Please attend a “Carvers” or “Beginner” lesson for assessment and level placement.


Sunday Shred Squad:

Meehan Range, Mornington

Rideo MTB “Send Off!”

Kingston Bike Park


Booking Information


STEP 1: Skill Level

We have 3 different skill levels for kids called Carvers, Blazers and Huckers.

Carvers is level 1 and is our easiest, beginner friendly level. If you are unsure which level to start in, start with Carvers.


CARVERS (Level 1)

  • Must have high and low gear options

  • Trail: green/easy trails

  • Experience: any / beginner

  • Physical: can ride a bike but is slow up and down the hill / lacks strength / stamina / sometime gets off and walks

  • Mental: needs confidence boosting and/or needs regular direction/reminding of techniques


BLAZERS (Level 2)

  • At least 5 gears or more

  • Trail: green/easy & blue/intermediate trails

  • Experience: has experience mountain biking/off-road - strong beginner

  • Physical: reasonably fit and strong and can climb uphill reasonably well

  • Mental: mostly confident / sometimes over estimates ability


HUCKERS (Level 3)

  • At least 9 gears or more (dual suspension type bike recommended but not mandatory)

  • Trail: blue/intermediate to black/hard trails

  • Experience: experienced mountain biker / intermediate

  • Physical: fit and strong and ready to be challenged prepared to undertake longer rides with large climbs.

  • Mental: overestimates their ability and needs coaching for safer progression


STEP 2: Bike Wheel Size

Our kids lessons are grouped by skill level and wheel size. Wheel size ranges from small (16” to 20” inch), medium (24” to 26” inch) to large/adult size (27” to 29” inch).

Generally, children ages 5-8 will be on a ‘small’, ages 8-10 a ‘medium’ and ages 10+ a ‘large/adult size’.

Use the below image to help work out your child’s wheel size!


STEP 3: check mandatory requirements


Bike Requirements

Must meet the following minimum requirements (if a bike is not safe coaches may make changes as safety is paramount):

  • Working front and rear brakes

  • Gears in good working order

  • Inflated off-road tyres

  • Bar ends (i.e. the end of the handlebars have caps or are covered so there is no bare metal showing)

  • No training wheels - all lessons require you to ride unassisted unless advised otherwise (if you cant ride a bike, ask us for a private lesson!)

  • No stunt pegs, kick stands or other protruding items

+ check your Skill Level above for any additional requirements.

Gear Requirements

You must ensure your gear meets the following minimum requirements:

  • Mountain bike!

  • Helmet (fits good, doesn’t slip off).

  • Riding shoes (grippy, enclosed sneakers or sand shoes).

  • Water - water bottle mounted to bike frame OR hydration backpack.

  • Active sports attire including weather protective clothing (raincoat if wet and breathable singlet/top if warm + sunscreen).

  • Any medications such as asthma inhaler or epi-pens if required.

  • Sunscreen if its hot and sunny.

+ check the information for each lesson if additional items are required (lunch or extra snacks)


Other Booking Information & FAQs


Lesson Types

“Shred Squad” After School Mountain Bike Program

We deliver weekly mountain bike lessons in Terms 1 and 4 every year around Tasmania called “Shred Squad”!

We have a variety of programs which groups kids together with similar skill level and bike size. Each week they develop thier skills, have safe and learn to be safe with our team of coaches on the trails!

We recommend coming to a school holiday lesson or doing a private first to be assessed and determine your child’s skill level to ensure you then choose the best suited Shred Squad program.

CLICK HERE to go to the Shred Squad booking page.

1.5 Hour Lessons:

Carvers: a great intro to mountain biking for beginners, those building confidence or first timers with us. We cover fundamental mountain bike skills through fun games and challenges out on the trails!

Blazers: the aim of this lessons is to learn or re-cap a specific skill or manouvre, session the trail or feature to further develop and improve the techniques being learnt all whilst having a big fun ride!

1/2 (3 hr) Day and 3/4 (4 hr) Day Lessons:

Fun day out on the bike with the entertaining mountain bike instructor Rideo crew! This is a big day of riding with skills lessons mixed in along the way stopping for morning tea and lunch. We have loads of fun games and challenges for the group to help them improve their off-road riding skills whilst having a few laughs!

*Requirements: Participants must bring snacks and a water supply. If the lesson goes longer than 3 hours then participants must also bring a packed lunch.

Derby Shuttle N Shred Days:

Ride, Fun, Skills, Shuttle and Send It! Includes warm-up, skills coaching and shuttles up to Black Stump. Stopping to session and coach on harder trail features and jumps and also to take some cool GoPro videos and snaps!

The group will be riding black / difficult level mountain bike trails such as Air Ya Garn, Roxanne, Monument and Deadly Bugger which are very challenging. They will be doing long distance and technical rides and must be fit and ready to push and challenge themselves! :-)

The instructor will be teaching higher level technical skills which is only suitable for children who are experienced riders and who have ridden with us before and assessed by us as either a Blazer or above level.

Bring plenty of water, snacks and warm/weather protective clothing!

Bike Mechanical Workshops:

A fun, hands on and interactive workshop where your children have their own bike stand to put their bike on and be taken through various activities to learn how to check, maintain and fix their bike.

Each workshop varies depending on the age/skill level of the children in the group. Younger children will cover very basic maintenance such as cleaning and upkeep, bike safety checking and learn about different bike tools and parts through a fun process of discovery and games. Older children will cover similar topics to the younger children but in more detail such as more complex maintenance tips and tricks and mechanical troubleshooting such as fixing a flat tyre, brake adjustments and more.

We supply the bike stands and tools/gear for each child to use.

Please make sure your child brings plenty of water, snacks and extra clothing for the day.


If an age range is mentioned is is just for guidance - focus more on the ability and bike size of each child.

First Time?

If this is the participants first time then please book into either a “Beginner” or “Carvers” lesson for their wheel size or age, whichever is specified.

This is for assessment so we can ensure fundamental techniques are correct but also bike and gear is safe and suitable for future lessons.


Mountain biking can be dangerous due to the high risk of injury. We therefore recommend that you consider purchasing insurance cover for mountain bike related injuries which is offered through Aus Cycling.

Drop them off

Parents are free to drop-off and pick-up at the end of session but please feel free to stay around!

Booking more than one child?

if you are booking more than one child at a time then please book and pay for them separately; do not try and do it all in the one booking.

Dirt Devils MTB Club Events

For any event that is in conjunction with the Dirt Devils MTB Club you must book with the club as well as Rideo MTB. See booking link for the club website url.