Kids - Skill Level Criteria

Rideo mtb carvers


Trail: green/easy trails

Experience: any

Physical: can ride a bike but is slow up and down the hill / lacks strength / stamina / sometime gets off and walks

Mental: needs confidence boosting and/or needs regular direction/reminding of fundamental techniques

Rideo mtb blazers faq


Trail: green/easy & blue/intermediate trails

Experience: has experience mountain biking/off-road - strong beginner

Physical: reasonably fit and strong and can climb uphill reasonably well

Mental: mostly confident downhill but may stop or be unsure for certain features such as steep berms or drops / sometimes over estimates ability

Rideo MTB Huckers faq


Trail: blue/intermediate to black/hard trails

Experience: experienced mountain biker - intermediate+

Physical: fit and strong and ready to be challenged prepared to undertake longer rides with large climbs.

Mental: confident on drops and jumps but unsure of more advanced features and/or overestimates their ability and needs coaching for safer progression





Meehan Range, Mornington

top carpark next to the pump track, off Flagstaff Gully Link Road, Mornington.  aka clarence mtb park.

Belbins Rad, Mornington

meet at carpark at the end of belbins road, mornington.


Peter Murrell Reserve, Huntingfield

meet at carpark at the end of a grvael road. Turn off from huntingfield avenue (gravel road is after ascot drive and before kingsgate circle).

Kingston Bike Park, Kingston

turn off onto gravel road near the end of Kingston View Drive, Kingston (just after the tennis courts, but before the dog park).


Top of Old Farm Rd, South Hobart


Bottom of Old Farm Rd, South Hobart

cascade brewery silos carpark at the end of old farm road as it joins onto strickland avenue, south hobart.


Drops Track, South Hobart

next to bus stop 36 on strickland avenue, south hobart.

160 Strickland Ave, South Hobart

next to bus stop 21 on strickland avenue, south hobart.


Tolosa Bike Park, Glenorchy

meet at the carpark at the end of tolosa street, glenorchy.

The Springs, Wellington Park

meet at the carpark next to the “lost freight cafe”, 132 PINNACLE road, wellington park.



Kate Reed Reserve, Kings Meadows

Meet at the skills park at the bottom of the Kate Reed trails.

park under the overpass at Kings Meadows Link, Kings Meadows. 

Duck Reach Rd, Trevallyn

Meet at the car park next to the grass oval at the end of Duck Reach Road, Trevallyn.


Mnt George, George Town

meet at the main trail head carpark off mount george road, george town.

Tippogoree Hills, George Town

meet at the bottom trailhead / carpark. turn off the highway onto bridport road, then turn off onto a gravel road which will lead to the trail head.



Penguin Bike Park, Penguin

meet at the asphalt carpark.

if you are coming from Penguin; turn left off Ironcliffe Road into the park where is a big sign; if you get to Montgomery Road you have gone too far.

Dial Range, Penguin

Meet at the carpark on Montgomery road, Penguin.


Wild Mersey, Latrobe

Meet at the car park at the end of shale road, latrobe.

Kelcey Teir, Devonport

meet about 1km down tugrah road, stony rise on the side of the road.

be careful when crossing the road; look for cars!!!!




main carpark next to the big blue derby sign, main street, derby.

St Helens

Meet at the main car park trail head next to the big trailhead sign at the end of flagstaff road, st helens.





Age is only used as a guide and sometimes irrelevant, please focus on skill level and bike wheel size.


Bike Wheel Size Chart

Some lessons, especially kids lessons, have wheel size requirements, please check!


Bike Requirements

Must be a Mountain Bike and meet the following requirements as a minimum standard (if a bike is not safe coaches may make changes as safety is paramount):

  • Working front and rear brakes.

  • Gears in good working order

  • Inflated tyres and off-road tyres.

  • Bar ends (i.e. the end of the handlebars have caps or are covered so there is no bare metal showing).

  • No stunt pegs, kick stands or other protruding items.

  • Water bottle cage holder to carry water (but not if child uses hydration backpack).

  • Seat post quick release or dropper post (so we can move the seat up and down without using allen keys). 

Gear Requirements

  • Mountain bike!

  • Helmet (fits good, doesn’t slip off).

  • Riding shoes (grippy, enclosed sneakers or sand shoes).

  • Knee pads (mandatory!)

  • Water - water bottle mounted to bike frame OR hydration backpack.

  • Active sports attire including weather protective clothing (raincoat if wet and breathable singlet/top if warm + sunscreen).

  • Any medications such as asthma inhaler or epi-pens if required.

  • Sunscreen if its hot and sunny.

ADULTS - Skill Level Information

Lesson Levels

Level 1 - Beginner:

If it’s your first time mountain biking, your new or still learning or just need help! Then start here!

Experience: Any, as long as you can pedal unassisted!

Mental: Needs confidence boosting, feels unsure about going up or downhill especially corners or bumpy terrain.

Bike: Any off-road mountain bike that meets our minimum requirements

Trails: Green/Easy

Fitness: Any


Level 2 - Strong Beginner

Experience: Has been doing a bit of mountain biking, might be a newbie or might not be, might be new but keen for a bit more of a challenge for their first time! Perfect next step for those that have had a coaching lesson already

Mental: Feels pretty good going up and downhill, stops and/or needs help with steep corners and/or small drops and jumps or steep technical rock/root sections of track.

Bike: Any off-road mountain bike that meets our minimum requirements

Trails: Blue/Intermediate and easy Black/Difficult trails

Fitness: Any


Level 3 - Intermediate

Experience: Here are a few scenarios: 1)You have been mountain biking for at least a year and are going well and are really keen for a challenge to push yourself and improve!  2)You are experienced and have been riding for a while but have hit some road blocks!  3)You may have already completed Level 1 or 2 lessons and have asked Rideo if this would be suitable for you as the next step.

Mental: You feel good riding greens, blues and some blacks like Air Ya Garn in Derby but some of those black trails or even sections that are steep with lots of rock and roots and maybe a bigger drop are freaking you out and you want to accomplish them and progress!

Bike: Dual suspension mountain bike that meets our minimum requirements

Trails: Black/Difficult trails

Fitness: Average-good

Refunds, Credits, Cancellations etc

In a nutshell, if we cancel a lesson you have the option of a refund or a credit to the value of the lesson. If you cancel, then if its before 72 hours before the start of the lesson then you may be eligible for a refund or credit, however if its after this time then you are not eligible for a refund or credit. For full details on our policies please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

Bad Weather

We still ride in bad weather but sometimes may cancel/postpone depending on the severity. If you do not hear from us then assume the lesson is going ahead and prepare accordingly!

We try and provide adequate notice (at least a few hours at a minimum) so always check your mobile text messages and email before leaving to attend the lesson in case of short notice changes.


Mountain biking can be dangerous due to the high risk of injury. We therefore recommend that you consider purchasing insurance cover for mountain bike related injuries which is offered through Cycling Australia.

Training wheels and balance bikes

We try and cater for all types of kids bikes and for safety we cannot have bikes with training wheels or balance bikes at any lesson or event unless stated or agreed otherwise. All bikes must meet our minimum standards i.e. have both brakes and gears, but if this is not the case, we will specifically state this on the lesson information.

Drop-off and pick-up

You can drop off the kids to all our events unless advised otherwise, it is up to you whether you wish to stay around or come back later.  If your child is getting a different way home or you are not picking them back up, please let us know.  


Bike Stuff



Unless advised otherwise, please use flat pedals; you don’t learn mountain biking skills using clips. This is especially so if your lesson includes learning any manouveres or skills for drops/jumps.

Seat post

Unless advised otherwise, if you do not have a quick release clamp on your seat post or a trigger operated dropper post, please ensure you have the correct tool with you to lower and raise your seat when required during the session.


For any intermediate/Blazer lessons, you need front suspension as a minimum requirements. For anything beyond this level such as an advanced/ Hucker lesson, you need a dual suspension mountain bike.


Still got questions?